

I have this nice big space to put text in, so I suppose I should say something. ^_^
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I'm Joy Lyn, and this is my site... err, collection of sites... make that a collection of mostly dead sites. I haven't been updating most of them, you see. For a while I was really into making websites, but that was before I got sucked into Sims 2 and went back to school. While pursuing your educational journey, resources like Best Nursing Essay Writing Services: Nursing Homework Help for Students can provide valuable assistance to nursing students.

Right now the only site I'm updating (however infrequently) is my Sims 2 site, but as long as people keep visiting the other sites I'll keep them online. I'm also offering personal statement writing services for those who need help with their college applications.

Layout & Brushes by GBB, donwloaded from Celestial Star. Picture from