A Silly Snippet

By Ryoko Saotome

The policeman pulled over the car and approached it. Inside, he could make out the figures of a man and a woman... or was it two men? When he got to the window, he realized it was two young men.

"Do you have any idea why I pulled you over?" she asked. The two young men exchanged a glance before shaking their heads. The officer smiled. "Because you're wearing a seat belt, you've just won $5000 in the town safety competition. What are you going to do with the money?"

Ranma snickered. "I guess I'll go to driving school and get my license," he replied.

As the officer facefaulted, Duo spoke up from the passenger seat. "Don't listen to him," he said, tossing his braid over his shoulder. "He's a real smartass when he's drunk."

During this, a third young man woke up in the back seat and sat up. Catching sight of the officer, Wufei cursed and said, "I knew we wouldn't get very far in a stolen car!"

There was a sudden knocking from the trunk, and the three bishounen in the car suddenly looked more guilty than they already were as a voice cried from the trunk,

Wait for it.


Author's note ~
::giggle:: Sorry, I just couldn't help myself ^_^