Non-anime Vampire shows/books
If you find any broken links, have any recommendations for fics that should be up here, or just fics you think I should read, please contact me.
WARNING! Some of these fics contain yaoi, yuri, or lemons. These stories are marked. If you are underage, please don't read the lemon fics. For the definitions of these terms and others I use on this site, go here.
And finally, please email the authors! They are more likely to continue writing if they get good feedback.
Anita Blake
Acherontia Atropos
Crossover Shows: Gundam Wing flavored with Anita Blake
Description: Duo's world is turned upside down when vampires start preying on the students at the school the Gundam pilots are attending. Will all the pilots survive their encounter with the unnatural? A Gundam Wing fic set in a world heavily influenced by the Anita Blake series.
Warnings: yaoi, violence
Pyractomena Borealis
Crossover Shows: Gundam Wing flavored with Anita Blake
Description: The sequel to Acherontia Atropos.
Warnings: yaoi, violence
Last Dance
Crossover shows: Gundam Wing and Anita Blake
Description: It involves vampires, telepathy, and Gundams
Warnings: in progress
Oni's Blood
Crossover shows: Urusei Yatsura, Blade and Vigil
Description: Lum and Company have the good fortune (?) of meeting Eric Blade and Grace Kimball in what could be their most terrifying adventure yet as vampires attempt to take over all of Japan!
Warnings: none
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
To Dance By Moonlight
Crossover shows: Sailor Moon and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Description: Usagi and Mamoru start school in Sunnydale, CA, Buffy's home turf! How will the Slayer and the future Queen of Crystal Tokyo get along?
Warnings: in progress
The Slayer(s)
Crossover shows: Slayers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Description: One of Willow's spells goes horribly wrong when Xander interrupts it.
Warnings: none
Forever Knight
Conversations With the Past
Crossover Shows: Gundam Wing and
Forever Knight
Description: Duo and LaCroix have a conversation.
Warnings: yaoi
Vampire Chronicles
Gundam V
Crossover Shows: Gundam Wing and The Vampire Chronicles
Description: A fusion, with the characters of The Vampire Chronicles taking the place of the characters of GW.
Warnings: yaoi, discontinued