
Nocommente's Sims Stories - Index

Best to start at the beginning, it will make more sense.

Dream Dates - Where the story begins.  Gypsy and Dolby decide to open a matchmaking studio.

Le Subtle Dance - Frysland is a nice guy, but his nanny is leaking.

Fury and Lark - Scientists recently discovered that the center of the universe is located in Pleasantview, and is named "Fury."

More Dream Dates - Haiku's first date, and plenty of bad makeovers.

Frysland Again - The leaking nanny saga continues.

Drake's Tale - Drake wants to be playable, then he doesn't want to be playable, and George seems to be planning a triffid invasion.

Interim - Blair and Fury steal the spotlight during someone else's outing.

Dolby's Do's - Bad makeovers with a daring twist!  They're being done in a different building!

More Frysland - Rowlf joins the family and Frysland goes on a very odd version of The Dating Game.

Fury-ous - Fury exploits his way to wealth.

Wedding contest - Fury enters a wedding planning contest and comes face to face with Death!  Death Death!

While the cat's away... (one chapter) - Don't you know sims do secret things while the computer is off?

Edgar is Earth-like - An alien decides to blend in with earth society by living in a giant mushroom.

The Oddler Challenge - Flash back in time to discover if Fury was always vain (yes), if Gypsy was always clueless (yes), and if Frysland was born to dance!

Colby's Makevoer - Four chapters to try and explain why Colby looks like such an absolute weirdo.  

The Kiddlers - The seven toddler challenge is all about survival.  The seven child challenge is all about...buying clothes?

Inspiring house (one chapter) - Learn what goes on inside my head when I'm creating a house.  Or save your sanity and read something else!

The Teenlers (Boxtopia) - Fury, Lark, and Frysland are on their own, helpless little teens who barely manage to survive by opening an illegal gambling den and cheating people out of money.

The Lurking Lurk - Sometimes you just have to clone Don Lothario and make him into a toddler.

Farmer Fury - Farming is a simple, pure profession.  All it requires is the good earth, hard work, and a tuxedo.  The first two items are optional.

The Manly Castle (one chapter) - Do you think I can build a manly, not pink castle?  Neither do I.

The Accidental Bigamist - Frysland is back, and he brought his two wives with him.  Can you use "bigamist" in the title of a G rated production?

How to Make Candy
(one chapter) - The secret ingredient is a love.  And a diamond ring.

La Casa Rosa - Benjamin Long finally gets his own story, and lives to regret it.

Lost Temple of Bisectica (one chapter) - I build a lot that isn't completely useless.

Ganet gets her man (one chapter) - Lonely?  Try setting someone on fire.

Living With Death - I like my goth rockers extra sleazy, with a side order of postal worker.

Halloween-ish (one chapter) - An excuse to give makeovers.

Travel With Fury - Japan hid for as long as it could, but Fury finally found it.

A tree house? (one chapter) - This  building doesn't even make sense to me.

Frysland's Family - Family means different things to different people.  It can mean a wife.  It can mean an evil bald child.  It can mean a gothy foster brother.  Or it can mean all of these!
